Public Affairs Career Field The Public Affairs Career Field encompasses the total spectrum of the Air Forces human communication activities. The functions are designed to facilitate communication flow between the Air Force and the general public, as well as active duty Air Force members, Reserve components, civilian employees, and dependents. Public Affairs personnel are involved in writing, editing and publishing; arranging and conducting special events; military community relations; orientation programs; news media relations; and research, interviewing, reporting, administrative, and management tasks. All print and electronic communication media are used along with interpersonal communication techniques. The Public Affairs Career Field serves the United States Air Force by providing professional, trained communication practitioners to leaders and managers for planning, executing, and reporting internal and public interest policy, plans, and programs. 1. Specialty Summary. Manages public affairs, television, and radio station activities, including evaluating, writing, editing, and distributing news and information material; and management, training and evaluation. Initiates and monitors community relations programs. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup: 157000. 2. Duties and Responsibilities: 2.1. Plans, organizes, and manages public affairs and broadcasting activities. Writes supplements to existing directives. Writes budget or financial requirements. Coordinates public affairs and broadcasting functions with other base agencies. Advises commanders at all levels and their staffs on the internal, media relations, and community relations implications of plans, policies, and programs. 2.2. Inspects and evaluates public affairs and broadcasting activities. Evaluates procedures used in collecting, evaluating or disseminating information materials. Evaluates work schedules and overall effectiveness of public affairs and broadcasting programs, including internal, media relations, and community relations activities. 2.3. Performs technical public affairs and broadcasting functions. Writes feature stories, news articles, staff studies, surveys, and special reports. Prepares or assembles information kits. Reviews hometown news releases. Releases stories and photographs to news media. Coordinates and prepares for news interviews and prepares questions to be used. Prepares requests for photographers or graphic support, and briefs photographers on assigned requirements. Plans or coordinates special events. Accompanies news media representatives in covering on-base activities. Assists television or motion picture personnel in obtaining information. Maintains liaison with civic organizations, and promotes community interest in Air Force activities. 3. Specialty Qualifications: 3.1. Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: news editing; newspaper layout; methods of collecting and distributing information materials; operating televisions and radio stations; and regulations and directives concerning releasing information for internal and external use. 3.2. Education. Not used. 3.3. Training. Not used. 3.4. Experience. For award of AFSC 3N090, qualification in and possession of AFSC 3N071, 3N072, 3N073 or 3N074 is mandatory. Also, experience is mandatory in directing functions such as collecting and disseminating information material, publishing unit newspapers and periodicals, or managing television or radio stations. 3.5. Other. Absence of any speech impediment and ability to read aloud and speak clearly and distinctly are mandatory for award and retention of this AFSC. The Visual Information Career Field is a part of the Public Affairs Career Field and encompasses all service, production-documentation, and photo processing functions associated with visual information library, presentations, editorial, graphics, conventional and technical still photography, optical instrumentation, motion picture photography, television, and sound recording. Included are armament recording and other nonreconnaissance airborne image acquisition functions and base, dedicated mission, or reconnaissance photo-processing.