Col James Locke, 128 ARW wing commander, stands with Lt Gen L. Scott Rice, Air National Guard Director, and Wisconsin state leadership after being presented the NGAUS Distinguished Flying Unit at the 2017 General Conference & Exhibition Louisville, Kentucky, Sept. 10, 2017. Established in 1959, and first awarded in 1960, these plaques recognize outstanding Air National Guard flying units. The criteria for the award changed frequently throughout the years until 1970, when the plaques were authorized for the five highest-rated Air National Guard flying units, after the Spaatz Trophy winner. Factors included in the evaluation are flying safety; aircraft operation readiness; weapons firing; unit alerts; unit manning; skill level qualifications; retention; drill attendance; operational readiness inspections; outstanding accomplishments and special missions and exercises. Also taken into consideration are any circumstances which were considered adverse to the unit mission and beyond the control of the unit. (DoD photo by Jay Way)